Finding Hope

By Jim Sterling

The world’s a mess, few would argue. But finding hope isn’t as difficult as you might think.

We found over 800 reasons for hope this past weekend at the Middle Tennessee State University 2022 Graduation. We were thrilled to get to see our dear friend Amy get her bachelor’s degree in Behavioral and Health Sciences, her story is one that provides a massive dose of promise for our world.



Amy has endured much in her life, fought through it, learned to make healthy choices, and is committed to moving forward and not letting the past hold her back. She’s a wonderful wife and mother, raised two amazing young women and touched the lives of so many in her previous professions. But this is just the beginning for Amy, she is a fantastic example that a mind can be changed even later in life, which is a most hopeful realization. (I don’t think she’d mind me telling she turned fifty while pursuing this degree.) Amy is going directly into a master’s program and will soon be a practicing mental health professional specializing in helping those with life experiences not unlike the ones she so wonderfully navigates. Amy is just one glowing illustration of the promise we experienced Saturday.

The greatness of our country has never been its past and certainly isn’t it’s present; what has always been our virtue is what we could be.

As I said, there were over 800 persons graduating, each with their own story. When the procession began, my wife, daughter and I were each overcome with the emotion of the day, we could feel the excitement of the students, the pride of families and friends along with an overwhelming sense that our future just might be in really good hands. Not one of us could hold back our tears. Our daughter was reminded of her high school graduation just a couple months ago and was now feeling what we experienced then.

The arena was filled with every kind of person, a diversity rarely seen these days as more and more we gather with “our kind”. But today our differences seemed nowhere to be found. This was a picture of what our country could be, the possibilities seemingly endless and after all isn’t that what makes America great?



You see you can’t make something great again that’s never quite been. The greatness of our country has never been its past and certainly isn’t it’s present; what has always been our virtue is what we could be. Last weekend we saw a beautiful picture of that potential and are excited for what’s to come.

We’ll continue finding hope and tell you about it here.      

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