Nearly Everyone is a Socialist

By Jim @ Silence is Complicit

Anti-socialists may be pulling our legs

Nearly everyone is a socialist as most of us have chosen to live in a society, which is simply a group of people living together in an ordered community. History has taught us this is by far the best way to live for more reasons than you could possibly list but here are just a few:

  1. Survival, an overwhelming majority have indicated that living is preferred to the alternative, including those with a bright prospect for the afterlife. A society provides defense, health (which includes cleanliness), nutrition and many other services that contribute to survival.
  2. Infrastructure, roads, hospitals, water to our homes, waste removed from our homes, our homes, air travel, rail travel, crime protection, fire protection, property transfer and ownership security, financial protections, all manufacturing and so much more. These first two elements just include things we need. What about things we want?
  3. The finer things, restaurants (every kind of food you can imagine), shops (of every kind you can think of), parks (city, county, state, national), clothing, sports (to participate in and follow), recreation, (also of any kind you can imagine) and once again, so much more.
  4. Arts, living in a society where we choose to contribute our skills for the betterment of everyone, allows those with artistic talents to share what they create with all of us. Music, sculpture, painting, comedy, writing (books, magazines, online, film, television…), acting etc. are all possible only when we live in a society.

There are those very few that choose to live apart from a community, be self-sufficient, live off grid and enjoy a “simpler” life (I admire this lifestyle). But only the purest of these folks are completely outside civilization and we never or rarely hear from or about them. The majority of those we hear about today are found on social media which is very social. Nearly everyone is a socialist.

Why then are there so many “anti-socialists”? Could it be they actually aren’t against society or socialism but merely want to dictate who gets to participate and to what degree, so they can have a bigger piece of society’s pie?



Side observation, “Don’t Tread on Me” license plates seen on the cars and trucks (mostly trucks) made by manufacturing, driving on roads with state plates issued by their county.

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