Race Baiting
We were recently accused of race baiting on social media (honored to have been included with Ibram X. Kendi) and weren’t exactly sure what the…
We were recently accused of race baiting on social media (honored to have been included with Ibram X. Kendi) and weren’t exactly sure what the…
Here’s some perspective on the immenseness of our nation’s economic problem. And here’s an article spelling out how much we’ve lost out on over the…
Christian Nationalism and White Nationalism are the same side of the same coin. Any effort to proclaim otherwise is a smokescreen with dangerous consequences for…
I highly recommend this book by Ta-Nehisi Coates. It’s a letter to his then 15 year old son about his life and what he has…
We’re seeing some backtracking from our political and religious leaders recently as they are increasingly encountering opposition to their illegal and immoral actions and/or their…